Spiritual insights seen through the eyes of my child.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Connecting to the Testaments: April 10: Tent Making for Eternity

How would your perspective change if you looked at your daily tasks in light of eternal significance?

When we see length of our lives in the vast expanse of time, we seek to use that time to serve God and serve others. We become very aware of the short time we have to positively effect others.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Connecting to the Testament: A Daily Devotional Day 2

As I follow my daily devotional I am writing down my thoughts here.

Today's Devotion is taken from Psalm 28:1-9

How are you trusting in God in the midst of struggle? How can you thoughtfully support someone who is suffering through a season like this?

A little over a year ago I faced the loss o twins through a miscarriage. Even though these two little lives barely lived 10 weeks and I never knew them face to face they were precious to me. My husband and I grieved together for this loss. The timing of this loss was a extremely busy and demanding time for my husband. As we faced this loss together we both turned our hearts to love, worship, and trust The Lord. Even though we could not understand why we had to experience this challenge, we trusted that God had us in the palm of his hand and would carry us through this trial. Since that time, we have been able to minister to many families who have experienced similar losses. Our hearts are so soft to those that grieve the loss of an unknown child. In a way I am thankful for the experience, because I can be sensitive to and minister to others in a very special way. The Lord then gave us the gift of a precious daughter. She was born exactly 1 year later almost to the exact hour that I heard from the doctor that my  twins were gone. Praise the alord for his faithfulness; he truly is a redeeming God.

Trusting God through adversity is so very challenging to our faith. I could not have imagined facing that loss without the knowing God. I would have felt completely lost and hopeless. One thing I learned through my experience is that it's better to demonstrate God's love through my life rather than just to speak words of comfort and go about my day. When we see or know of someone struggling through a difficult time I there life, we need to find out how we can help them and then do it. This may mean very practical things like making a meal, shopping for them, helping watch their kids or clean for them. Another way to help them is to give a gift, something that tells them God loves them. About 6 weeks after my miscarriage experience, a friend (who herself experienced 2 miscarriages) gave me a little gift of some teas, lovely mug, lavender fragrance, and a lovely card. In the card she wrote of giving the gift to help express how God loves me. It was a huge blessing to my spirit. Every time I drink tea from that mug (it is my favorite one) I am reminded of God's love for me.
Someone isn't the midst of trials needs to experience God not just hear about him. I will try to remember this myself when ministering to my friends. I believe in prayer and that it can bring strength to someone in the midst of adversity; furthermore, I believe we must be the hands of God bringing blessing and his love to others.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Connecting to the Testaments Daily Devotioanl Day 1

I am currently following a daily devotional from Faithlife through there iPad app. I plan to post here my responses to the questions posed and  thoughts as I go through these daily devotions.

How can you show more humility and, in doing so, show how great God’s grace is in your life?

I don't think of myself as a prideful person. I am proud of who I am today and who I am becoming. Humility to me is being proud of the person you are and knowing that God is always helping you to be better through every success, challenge, and failure. I know that I will never arrive at a place of perfection; therefore, I try not to judge others where they are in their walk of faith. Rather I try to remember how God strengthens me every day in my weaknesses.