Spiritual insights seen through the eyes of my child.

Monday, January 24, 2011

I Love Being My Son's "Lovie"

What does my son need to feel safe and secure?  He doesn't reach for a pacifier or a blankie or even a special stuffed animal.  Instead he reaches for Mommy or Daddy.  When Kenton lays down to go to sleep at night, he makes sure Mommy and Daddy are with him.  He actually has a harder time settling down to fall asleep when Daddy has to be away for the evening.  Sure he likes to bring his trucks to bed or maybe his 'key' (a toy rake he found at the park and declared it was the key to the gate in his Dora video).  However, when all is said and done at night, we can take away the toys and as long as he has Mommy and Daddy to cuddle up to or wrap up in our arms, he's content and drifts peacefully off to sleep most nights.  

Yeah, it takes more of our time to get him to sleep this way (I believe he takes about as much time as any kid to actually fall asleep), but I love every minute.  I love that bedtime has become a beautiful special family time.  It's not a battle; ok sometimes he fights against brushing his teeth or saying our prayers.  But in the end, most every night is a fairly smooth transition from play time to bedtime. As Kenton drifts off to sleep, Ray and I have the opportunity to relax and quietly reflect on the day.  Then we have a little time to ourselves before we settle in and drift off to sleep ourselves.

What a beautiful picture of the relationship God desires to have with us.  He wants us to run to him, to allow him to wrap us up in his arms to feel secure and safe.  He desires for us to trust him completely for everything.  

Too often we seek safety and security in things of this world.  We strive for higher and higher education, so we can attain a higher and higher paying job, so we can surround ourselves with things. We pad our lives with pacifiers, blankies, and teddy bears, so that we think we are safe.  The problem comes when we inevitably lose our "security blanket" then we fall into despair. We feel lost and scared and confused because our safety is not wrapped up God. Only God can give us the true security in life.

Thank you Lord for providing me and my family with your loving arms to keep us safe and secure.  We trust you completely for all that we have in this world.

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