Spiritual insights seen through the eyes of my child.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

You Need to Read Your Bible

I'm really tired of this phrase I've heard many Christian leaders say, "for those of you who don't spank/don't believe in spanking, you need to read your bibles." This statement makes the assumption that the verses used to support spanking are absolute and only have one interpretation. How can these very same Christian leaders agree that other parts of scripture can be interpreted differently. You will hear them say about other scripture that "this is my belief or conviction regarding this passage." They say this about other theological debates; however, so many of them interpret scriptures about discipline to mean we must spank and that this is the only biblical way to truly raise a godly child.

The other part of this that bugs me: These same Christian leaders will harp on spanking being a godly form of discipline. However, then they will also go on and on about the glorious grace of God. I heard a sermon recently where the pastor praised people that as he said are "grace-people." I understood this to mean people that are not focused on the wrong doings of others but are rather focused on serving and obeying God because they love him not because they fear him. If we want our children to have that kind of respect for the authority of God don't we need to focus on discipling that kind of heart in every area of obedience?

I write this from the heart as a caution to those that would make such statements to the sheep of their flock.  I would guarantee that there is at least one family within your hearing that has chosen a different form of discipline.  They have not made this choice ignorantly.  I would venture to say that most have done some very serious bible study on the matter.  They are seeking to make a godly parenting decision. In my opinion, many of the Christian leaders that would preach that the bible teaches spanking as godly discipline have not truly searched out the meaning of the verses they would use to support their argument. They have read the verses and taken them at face value.  Whereas, I believe by far the majority of Christian parents deciding to use a gentle or grace-based approach to discipline, have done so after searching the scriptures for the truth.

So when I hear a teacher tell me that the bible teaches to spank my child, and that if I don't agree with that I need to read my bible.  I laugh inside knowing that I have read and reread and sought the true meaning of passages on discipline.  I know that I know that we are making the right decision for our family.  And I whole-heartedly believe it is a decision that pleases the Lord.

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